首页 问答列表 搞笑配音英文水果名字有哪些


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    What are some funny English names for fruits in dubbing

    There are plenty of funny English names for fruits in dubbing. Here are a few examples:

    What is the funny English name for apple

    One funny English name for apple in dubbing is "Banana-berry". It gives a humorous twist to the traditional name and adds a playful touch.

    What is the funny English name for banana

    A funny English name for banana in dubbing is "Slip-n-slide". This name playfully refers to the slippery nature of a banana peel and evokes a sense of amusement.

    What is the funny English name for watermelon

    A funny English name for watermelon in dubbing is "Gush-n-squish". This name emphasizes the juicy and squishy texture of a ripe watermelon and brings a comical element to its name.

    What is the funny English name for orange

    A funny English name for orange in dubbing is "Citrus-burst". This name highlights the burst of tangy citrus flavor that an orange provides and adds a humorous twist to its name.

    What is the funny English name for strawberry

    A funny English name for strawberry in dubbing is "Berrylicious". This name combines the word "berry" with "delicious" to create a playful and tongue-in-cheek name for this fruity treat.




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